Waiting Children in Bulgaria
In Bulgaria, children aged 18 months to 15 years are longing for forever families. Many have special medical needs, are older, or are part of sibling groups. Living in orphanages and foster homes, they face challenges like Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, and developmental delays. These children have endured trauma and loss, and their need for a loving, permanent family is urgent.
The Gladney Center for Adoption is committed to finding these children the caring, supportive homes they deserve by matching them with hopeful, well-equipped adoptive parents.
Adopting from Bulgaria
Adoption is an urgent need in Bulgaria. There is an immediate need for parents who are open to adopting children with special needs or sibling groups. All adoptive parents must meet Bulgaria’s criteria for adoption to be considered for a match. If you're unsure about your eligibility, reach out to an adoption specialist who can help determine the right fit for your family and answer your questions.
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Bulgaria Tract Programs
Bulgaria's adoption program offers two tracts for forever families:
Traditional Program
In the Traditional Program, families submit a dossier outlining the characteristics of the child they wish to adopt. The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) reviews the dossier and presents the family with a referral. Children in this program typically have less severe special needs.
Waiting Child Program
The Waiting Child Program allows families to express interest in a specific child by submitting commitment paperwork. If approved, the family submits a dossier for the child and completes a home study. This program often includes children with more significant special needs.
Couples interested in adopting through Gladney’s Bulgaria Program (under Madison Adoption Associates country accreditation) must meet the following guidelines:
- Married couples and single women are eligible to adopt
- Older parents will be referred older children
- Parents must be at least 15 years older than the child they wish to adopt
- There is no specific requirement regarding length of marriage or prior divorces; however, the strength of the current marriage and relationship history is taken into account.
To read the full list of requirements, please proceed to Exploring Adoption »
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