Some Common Questions
Dominican Republic
1. How old are waiting children in the Dominican Republic?
Children waiting for adoption in the Dominican Republic range from 2 years to 14 years old. They reside in public or private orphanages throughout the country.
2. What backgrounds do children in the Dominican Republic come from?
Children in the Dominican Republic are of Hispanic, African, or mixed-race heritage. They come from diverse cultural backgrounds and face challenges such as poverty and abandonment.
3. What special needs do children in the Dominican Republic commonly face?
Many children face challenges such as special medical needs, being older, or being part of sibling groups. These children receive excellent medical care but need a forever family for individual love and attention.
4. Are there children without special needs who are eligible for adoption?
Yes, there are medically healthy children eligible for adoption, with preference given to families of Dominican heritage.
5. Why is there a need to adopt children with special needs or from sibling groups?
These children have endured trauma and loss, making their need for a loving, permanent family urgent. Adopting these children provides them with the care and support they desperately need.
6. What is the process to adopt a child from the Dominican Republic?
The process involves contacting an adoption specialist, completing a home study, submitting required documents, and paying application fees. Once matched, you will travel to the Dominican Republic to complete the adoption. Families could be in the Dominican Republic up to 6 months for the adoption process to be completed.
7. What is required to finalize an adoption in the US?
Adoptions are finalized in the Dominican Republic. There are no additional steps to finalize in the US.
8. How long does the adoption process take?
The adoption process timeline can vary, but it generally includes several months for home study and dossier preparation followed by a possible waiting period for a match and travel to the Dominican Republic.
9. Who is eligible to adopt from the Dominican Republic?
Married couples (legally married for at least five years) are eligible. Single applicants are not permitted to adopt through this program. Applicants must be at least 30 years old and at least 15 years older than the child at the time of application. Applicants over 45 years old are eligible for referrals of children ages six and up (with exceptions for waiting children with special needs). Learn more about adoption criteria in the Dominican Republic.
10. Are there specific health requirements for adoptive parents?
Yes, adoptive parents must be mentally and physically fit to parent. Certain medical conditions, such as psychiatric disorders, mental handicap/intellectual disability, and certain criminal backgrounds, may not be approved. If you take prescription medication or have a health condition, please contact an adoption specialist to determine if you are eligible.
If you have more questions, please fill out the form below.
Waiting Child Review Form
Prior to starting the adoption process, Gladney Center for Adoption requires that a family submit a Prospective Adoptive Parents Form. Get Started Today