Mike and Monica's Adoption Story
Resolute Commitment

We found Gladney after our previous agency shut down due to the recession. Gladney came up as very experienced and financially stable. We called Gladney originally about international adoption but learned that domestic adoption was just as good an option for us, if not better, once our misconceptions were corrected. Our next experience with Gladney was a month later at the orientation in Forth Worth. It was an amazing experience. The professionalism, experience, and warmth of the staff was top notch. We were particularly impressed with the commitment to the birth mother, baby, and the adoptive parents. We felt very peaceful about trusting Gladney with our family's future. Prior to Gladney, we had only seen agencies work with one half of the adoption equation. At the end of the orientation, we knew that we wanted to be of part of the miracles that take place at Gladney.
Eleven months later, we received a call requesting that we meet a birth mother who had selected us. Her due date was less than two weeks away. We went in with open hearts however aware that anything could happen in the meeting. We learned that this beautiful women deeply connected with us through our profile book and wanted to see if "we were real... who we said we were in the book." We learned that she had a resolute commitment to finding the right parents for her baby. She wanted to know as much as possible about our backgrounds and our families. She knew exactly what she wanted for her Son. We felt so at ease meeting with her over lunch and sharing ourselves with her and vice versa. It felt completely natural. By the end of the meeting, she told us that we were exactly who she saw in the book and that she was very happy that we will be the parents of her Son. She wanted him to have both a Mom and Dad, to be happy, and to have a peaceful life. Her maturity, insight, and resolve continue to amaze us.
Now that we are parents, we feel that we are immensely blessed to have been a part of the miracle of the match between the birth mother and us. We really feel that this is a divine match and that we have the family that we are meant to have. We have an amazing sense of responsibility and gratitude to the birth mother to raise our Son to be the best he can be, to know about his amazing birth mother, and to cherish the amazing miracle of his life.